前兩天,媽媽給我打電話說,姑姑好像要過來,還帶了她的朋友們,想一起來我們這里逛逛。我給媽媽說了我有時間就回去了,問了媽媽回去的時候要帶什麽,然後什麽都不要,于是我到了姑姑來的那天就回去了,看到姑姑和她的朋友們一起來了好幾個人,媽媽就說住家里吧,姑姑說不用了,這麼多人呢,她們一起住在沖繩 酒店里就行,好好玩幾天,我們剛好最近有時間,不然下次還不知道什麽時候呢,于是等我們接到她們后,就直接去了沖繩 酒店那里,把她們帶過來的東西放下來,然後再一起出去。
tokyo private tour
Not easy to find a good Tokyo private tour, so I also intend to or must be good to play, because I really love this has always been a special tokyo private tour, a lot of places is Japanese I particularly love, so this time I also really is want to live in Japan to play again, the results did not expect is to find the Tokyo private tour, it is felt that the Tokyo private tour also is really good, but now I really play is very happy, because I did not think of the Tokyo private tour is so good, think play is so good it really is hope to have the opportunity to.
Taipei hotel near MRT
Last place really good ah, especially have a feel good to eat, is called a Taipei hotel near the MRT to the hotel, let me always remember them for breakfast has a special delicious to the, the next time I went to also want to live in Taipei hotel near the MRT to the hotel, taste the breakfast again, as swathes of I really was just bought to eat, hey hey, but also is not I said, the other is also very good, the environment is good, the clean health, go in and then feel very good, the sense that gives a person is also very comfortable feeling, really think you can also feel, you can consider if it’s a play of the hotel.
東京日本語學校 的管理比較嚴格,周內是封校的,而且東京日本語學校 的伙食也是不錯的,廚師長都是頂級的,炒的菜都非常的好吃,有時候也會給我們燒魚吃,做的味道非常的地道,他的廚藝非常的好,做出來的魚沒有魚刺,所以同學們都特別喜歡吃廚師長燒的紅燒魚,他的刀工也是不錯的,切得土豆絲都非常非常的細,而且切得也非常的均勻,我沒有想到在東京日本語學校 也能遲到囊樣的美食,簡直不敢想像,有一次我去的晚,我宿舍的室友幫我打了飯,也我愛吃的魚肉。
super robot chogokin
我就想到小朋友們的生日禮物也就還真的是只有這個super robot chogokin就是特別的能吸引的,因為我的小侄子上次就給我說是小姨,讓我給他買一個super robot chogokin的,但是我對這些super robot chogokin也就還真的是不懂的,所以這次一看到這個super robot chogokin的時候,就感覺也還是很不錯的,相信送給他,他一定會是特別的喜歡的,結果沒有想到我給他先拍了張照片就是讓他看一下的,沒有想到他就一直都說就只要這個super robot chogokin呢,看來真的是很喜歡。
今天舅舅打電話過來約爸爸一起去打golf,于是我就看到了爸爸收拾好他就高高興興去的出去打golf了 ,等中午的時候爸爸也沒有回來,下午快四五點的時候,爸爸才回來,一進家門就坐在沙發上休息下,還給講起了他今天在那里玩的多麼的高興,看到有的人打golf特別好,他就學習人家,打著打著就快中午了,就沒有回來,和他們一起吃飯了,等吃完后,過去舅舅那里坐了會,然後才坐車回業的,車上的人特別多,爸爸說把他給擠的,站了一路的車特別累,先讓他休息下。
osaka airport transfer
Tomorrow is my bestie wedding day, but his work is not too busy, even if busy tomorrow seems to have no direct access to the car. I looked at the osaka airport transfer can still catch up, I was planning on Osaka Airport Transfer in the past in my bestie wedding, the morning of the second day I was as usual to the company, the work finished in the hands of their own, I will go to Osaka Airport Transfer, I am also very smooth to my bestie wedding, did not expect the osaka airport transfer is really very convenient, very fast, this is the first time I Osaka Airport Transfer osaka airport transfer, the feeling in the service attitude is very good, to see where my bestie dress is very nice.
大阪 住宿
今天天氣非常的不錯,我和我的媽媽一起去了大阪那邊逛去發,媽媽說她以前在大阪那裏讀過書,媽媽在大阪 住宿那裏給我們訂了房子,大阪 住宿真的太好了,裏面非常的乾淨,房間裏面也是非常的整齊呢,媽媽也是很喜歡大阪 住宿的裝修風格,房間裏面也讓人感覺很溫馨,我和我的媽媽一起去了媽媽的母校去了,媽媽說還是老樣子,我感覺這個學校還真的很不錯,晚上我們又回到了大阪 住宿,那裏的服務人員的態度非常的好,那裏的晚上也是很安靜。